Sunday, September 11, 2011


Preston started preschool this last week. Mommy was pretty nervous and had to panic and cry for a minute when she drove away. On the way home he couldn't stop talking about all the things they did. After a while he told me "Mommy, I like it preschool, I like it." So, I guess it is a hit. I showed him how the clock hand moves and will tell me when it is time to go. Every ten minutes he grabs me from whatever he is doing and makes me see that the clock is "moving" and it is almost time to go to school.
Chloe is no longer stationary. She is becoming quite the army crawler. I give her another week and I fear that she will be officially crawling. Great.........I guess we better put up the child locks finally.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Preston's birthday week

Preston has had a busy birthday week. We started it out with a trip to the canyons with a dump truck birthday cake. We also just got a new playhouse that he calls the "farm". He and Weston can play out there for hours. For his birthday all Preston wanted to do was ride a train. Good thing Trax is close (it will even be closer next week when the station next to our house opens.) We were lucky enough to have Kirsten, Tim, Abraham, and Anya in town for Preston's brithday night. Preston wanted another birthday cake - who wouldn't. Mom got lazy so Dad went and let Preston buy one at the grocery store. All in all it was a pretty great week.

Nauvoo 2011

My family (Cass') made a trek to Nauvoo this summer. It was quite an undertaking with 4 babies less than 1 and 21 people in total. We stayed at my aunt's house just outside of Kansas City and hit all the church sites there. We then headed to Illinois. It was pretty hectic but there were a few high points: going to the Nauvoo temple (it was quiet with no kids inside), the Nauvoo pagent, the fair prior to the pagent- Preston LOVED it, unregulated fireworks, and the tractor parade in Mound City, MO whats more to like? Travel to and fro was not bad, we had a surprise bag that kept Preston happy, and Chloe got watered down juice. All in all it was a pretty good trip.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Family Pictures

We got family pictures taken a couple of weeks ago. Chloe is a baby model. She smiled the entire time. Preston knew exactly what we were up to and would not smile on principle. He was pretty funny. We went to an old train yard which means he wanted to play with the trains and dirt rather than smile for pictures.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pedicure anyone???

Today was one of those moments when you don't know if you should put your child in "time out" for the rest of his life or laugh. Preston painted his own toes while Cass was doing the least he screwed the bottle shut when he was done....

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter 2011

Another Easter is over...This year, like last year was a little insane. We only dragged Preston and Chloe to 6 Easter egg hunts this year. We ended up with probably 20 lbs of candy (most of which Jacob took to school). Preston had a GREAT time. He started begging two weeks before Easter to find eggs. We joked that we showed him the videos from last year as training videos so he would be prepared for this year. Unfortunately for him his parents just enjoy Easter too much.

The Easter Bunny had a hole in his pocket. Preston wouldn't go down the hall until we "cleaned-up" every piece. I've decided I am going to glue candy to each of his toys to see if he will clean them up too.

We dyed Easter eggs in preparation. Preston loved it. He had dye from his fingers to his elbows the rest of the day. Chloe liked watching.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chloe's Blessing

We blessed our little Chloe today. What a way to celebrate Super Bowl Sunday! We had things figured out this time. We dressed her in a different dress until "game time." Thank goodness considering she had a blow out to her arm pits in Relief Society (we have sacrament meeting last). Cass had to take her home and clean her up while Jacob stepped in to teach her Sunday school class. Luckily she is a sleeper so we were able to get her asleep before the blessing so there was no screaming like when her big brother was blessed. The blessing was beautiful even though aparently she wasn't supposed to be blessed with wealth so that she could take care of her parents in their old age. (I was sure that that part was left out by accident).
Preston in true fashion was ridiculous during sacrament meeting. He spent most of the meeting in the nursery room with grandpa and Weston. Unfortunately even that lead to screaming when there was only one train in the room and two little boys who wanted to play with it. With that boy I wonder sometimes why be bother to go to church. Last week he got away and ran through the chapel during a talk. Cass didn't catch him until he made one round and luckily turned into the lobby. That kid is a handful!!
Overall the day was fantastic. We are blessed to be surrounded by great friends and family who support us. Oh, yeah..... and Jacob won the family Superbowl score grid. He is $50 richer!!!!