Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nauvoo 2011

My family (Cass') made a trek to Nauvoo this summer. It was quite an undertaking with 4 babies less than 1 and 21 people in total. We stayed at my aunt's house just outside of Kansas City and hit all the church sites there. We then headed to Illinois. It was pretty hectic but there were a few high points: going to the Nauvoo temple (it was quiet with no kids inside), the Nauvoo pagent, the fair prior to the pagent- Preston LOVED it, unregulated fireworks, and the tractor parade in Mound City, MO whats more to like? Travel to and fro was not bad, we had a surprise bag that kept Preston happy, and Chloe got watered down juice. All in all it was a pretty good trip.

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